miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015


This unit is about phonology. Phonology is the study of the sound features used in a language to communicate a meaning. In English these features include phonemes, word stress, sentence stress and intonation. In phonology all these symbols are phonemes which are often show in a chart, called the phonemic chart.

This chart groups the sounds into vowels, diphthongs and consonants (which are divided in voiced and unvoiced sounds). Furthermore, word stress, sentence stress and intonation are important, too at the moment to learn phonology because with these features speakers change the level of their voice to show meaning.
I will apply phonology in the classroom through show the learners the phonemic chart because it helps them  to understand how they must to pronounce a vowel, diphthong or a consonant and motivated them to practice in hearing and recognizing sounds through listen to TV, radio programmes, and some websites in English.

This video is very useful because shows how we must pronounce the consonants in order to have a good pronunciation.

  • Jakobson, R. (1962) The phonemic concept of distinctive features. In A. Sovijärvi and P. Aalto, eds. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Mouton & Co. 440-455.
  • Susan Anderson ( 2003) Phonology is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.

1 comentario:

  1. I really like your idea showing a phonemic chart because it helps them to understand how they must to pronounce a vowel, diphthong or a consonant and motivated them to practice in hearing and recognizing sounds through listen to TV, radio programmes, and some websites in English.
    And also is very important that a child has a notion of the language beginning from the sounds like a baby learning his mother tongue.
